Sunday, September 1, 2013

Defining Apeiron Love

Everyone always asks me what it know the me Apeiron Love. See for me, it means more than it will mean to each person I explain it to. There will be those who get it and then there will be those who will say "oh okay" and move one. What is unique about defining ourselves to the world is that it can be a sub/conscious expression of ourselves as we want it to be received.

I remember when I was younger and my AOL name was cocorica. That defined me at that time. I was trying to instigate an audience for the purpose olf creating relationships on the premise of social norms. Sex sells and even though I didn't want just sex, I was young naive and uneducated. I was repeating by nature the actions of those around me and looking back; while I created an interesting group of online friendships; my label was merely an venue. Upon making connections, I simply exchanged my thoughts and boy did that help me sort through those that connected and those that were like "oh okay".  Was it a subconscious action in that stage of my life? I say absolutely.

Fast forward to present. I understand now what that truth defined for me, will create in my world; people who share that truth. Through the soul and thoughts of me and my life journey in this shell. So, Apeiron is interpreted by me as unconditional, without boundaries, space and timeless. And of course everyone can define for themselves Love.

I am the beauty in the eyes of the beholder, the clarity of light as it breaks and becomes visible in the prism of colors. The hues of an ambient sunset and the cumulus clouds on a spring day under a tree. The silence in a crowd observed by the people watcher and the erotic melodies of a saxaphone in a jazz bar. The breeze on a hot day and warmth of arms wrapped around you cuddled next to a fireplace in winter. The imagination of a storyteller and the mental elation of a free spirited thinker. I am the truth, the purity, and endless possibilities. While I realized that everyone is capable of love. I have set in motion an expression of self that is a venue for like mind thinkers who truly understand that there are no boundaries to life, the pursuit of your truth, happiness and for me LOVE.

In love with love. DTD

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