Friday, September 6, 2013

Love's Melting Pot

Sometime towards the end of 2011,  I was going through my emails. Hopelessly trying to find an old remnant of my past. It obviously didn't happen, but I stumbled on a lot of my term papers. One of which was a philosophy paper on (guess what?) LOVE. I read through it and it is amazing how I've evolved but somehow, I never changed. However, me finding those paper was almost like an epiphany. I know it was meant for me to come across the term paper because I talked about Love's Melting Pot. It you have ever had a conversation with me about relationship and how we are attracted to one another you will probably know the content of the context way before I get to through the finish line (pun intended) Enjoy my thoughts anyway.

Love is intangible. Materials don't define it, money can make it manageable, friendships and family can make it all enjoyable, but can you touch love. You can touch a person even capture the idea of their soul. But can you truly make Love a tangible? BEHOLD, I present to you Love, Love meet Apeiron. If you believe differently. I would love to have that conversation. :) How we define Love is in my opinion; a culmination of lessons learned.  Our own personal life experiences or those who made a imprint, from our past, present, and even formulated in our future. Well for me, I come from a very dysfunctional family dynamic. There was a lot of lessons learned in my childhood and adolescence. That stage in my life set the precedence for how I see things today.

Realizing because of those experiences, maturity set in way before it should of and the evolution of my emotional intelligence was derailed; Love was a wolf in sheep clothing. When defining at an early age in my adolescence what I wanted love to be ; those ideas had social acceptance and low self esteem attached to them. So, I knew that I wanted a sexy boyfriend, one all the girls wanted. He had to be funny and be the center of attention. I mean that's what I saw on t.v.. That's who all the rich, fancy and snobby chicks had. So, I found just that and mixed my pot with arrogance, self destructive and emotionally void playas. Cause every young naive girl likes herself a bad boy. And I invested everything I had trying to make Love out of those ingredients.. I sacrificed unconditionally, not only because I saw that in my ethnic upbringing but because Love was until death do us part. Fuck that... Well, now I can say that. Not everyone is going to have the same life experience but we all know what puppy love is, Wish I'd know then, what I know now. I had my son from that relationship and he has been by far the single best life altering, self sacrificing, love defining creation in my whole existence. I love you Oliver Thomas Jr.

The ingredients I was mixing was all wrong. I was taking other peoples relationship and formulating a list of what I was going to need for the perfect relationship. It only ended up the same because Love was as never clearly defined, expressed, taught, felt, or explained. I subconsciously duplicate the actions of those I looked up to and said I'd never be like if I didn't agree with the behavior. I had to formulate my own recipe for a successful relationship, but it kept coming out the same. What I realized in late 2011; if you could read my paper is that even though I changed those essentials, to things like God fearing, self confident, reliant, independent, family oriented, financially sound and intelligent. I was still just remeasuring an inaccurate depiction of a Love perfected. I kept trying to make it tangible. But to perfect the chemistry, some elements don't mix; while they may compliment each other, when mixed it still creates an explosion and it isn't sexually, physically, spiritually or mentally gratifying. Well maybe in the beginning while it starts to get hot and the compounds are creating the combustible energy. It requires more of a self understanding of what you will and will not accept in a relationship and removing the ones who spoil your Love Pot. Trying again, if it doesn't mix well and you have made a mess. Clean it up, start again, because what I put in my pot before I turn on the flame is something I have learned only by default. There has to be honesty, determination, goal oriented, emotion and intellectual maturity, attraction, philosophically inclined and spiritually hungry. Because together we will infuse in the heat of our passions, merge into a single element. That melting pot will become a recipe for our off spring to replicate with minor adjustments based off how they can improve their Loves melting pot.

 So, what are your ingredients and if you don't know, maybe it's time to take an inventory of what you have, need to keep and/or get rid of. The main ingredient for you is you.

In Love with Love DTD.