Monday, September 23, 2013

Universal Truth

Sitting in the airport is a common theme for me. Traveling is more frequent than it has ever been in my life. Through the course of my life; really my existence....I have created an idea of what life has become for me. It's not really complicated in the sense of execution but it has become apparent to me that life is complex because of one thing. SELF.

We are so focused on our inability to fully recognize the truth of our existence. I don't know if its a social phenomenon manifested by nurture or nature. Either way it has become a universal truth. That somehow we are the direct reflection of our life experience! While I believe that experience has a direct correlation to our behavior... I truly believe that our ability to awaken to the truth that we are the master of our destiny is becoming more apparent in my walk in this journey we call life... More apparent in that there is a lack of... Many people walk around so webbed in their own thoughts that there ego consume 95% of there behavior. When we talk about zombies.... I truly believe that walking dead behavior is a true testament that~~ as human ~~ we walk around living in our thoughts~~not allowing our truth to manifest our destiny.... Or lack of.

Why do we spend so hours allowing our thoughts to determine our behaviors, performance, social  interactions. Why do we allow the umbrella of social acceptance drive our life in respect to our religion, politics, social norms. I'm convinced that we think that we are living our best life but the reality is we are really living a universal perception of our TRUTH. I am what society expects me to be. So, society then has the ability to mold your personal truth based off social acceptance.

Feel free to draw outside the lines. Ask the questions that define your personal truth and expand the
Boundaries for your personal existence. There are guidelines to living life and the Bible is a testament to really building a solid foundation. Be cognoscent that it is the concrete that enables you to build your life story by story and that your empire is your ability to create your won truth... And that is universal... There is no timeline for success... It is your truth that fundamentally excites the mass and those masses are seekong their own truth. They are looking for a place to begin their truth. Your empire like your story has office space...

We are the standard barrier for our perception of reality. And while it is an individualistic effort... We all have a universal desire to do one thing.... That is the ability to learn our own worth and reaso for our existence... That my friend so Universal....

What is your Truth........

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